I got 1 Dell Notebook D600 from ITD yesterday. I’m going to use it for testing Windows 7 on laptop. It has Pentium M 1.6GHz,with 2 GB of RAM, with built-in wireless (Intel Pro/Wireless LAN 2100). It has windows XP Installed.
Upon inserting the CD, it pop up a windows 7 installation dialog, which allow the user to check for compatibility online or install. I tried to click install now which led me to another dialog with 2 options, to check lates updates or not. I choose not to. Then the standard EULA.
I just accept the term. It then pop up another dialog asking wheteher I want to upgrade or choose custom. First I tried upgrad.. and Windows 7 says “You cannot upgrade from this Operating System..” and exit. Well have to try again from the beginning.
I choose custom, since I had been given the green light to reformat the laptop. It seems that it need about 12 GB of free space to install. Unfortunately none of the partition have enough space… so I have to install using the installation disc.
I opted to remove all partitions and create 1 partition since it it only have 40 GB storage. The installation took about 45 mins. It cannot detect the network card, multimedia card and the cardbus. Perhaps the drivers are not included. These needs to be resolve first.
Since I have to pick up my kids.. I have to stop. I ‘ll continue to resolve the issues other time.
Jumaat, 15 Mei 2009
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