THE upcoming Philips Avent SCD 600 is a wireless baby monitoring system packed with the latest technologies to ensure that your precious one is safe and secure.
It's made of two parts - a 0.1-megapixel camera to monitor the baby and a rechargeable 2.4in colour QVGA display which you can take with you.
The camera has a ball-joint that makes it easy to swivel it into the best position to monitor the child. The device transmits video in real-time to the portable display unit.
It can transmit up to a distance of 150m via a secured 2.4Ghz frequency band.The camera also has a night vision function to view your baby in the dark. To lull the baby to sleep, the camera comes with a night light and can play soothing lullabies.
To save power, the video display switches off if it doesn't detect any sound for 30 seconds.
The display unit also has a status indicator that can alert the parent with a sound when the connection goes down.
The Avent SCD 600 is expected to be available in January 2011.