After Nokia claimed to have the most laptop features device, N900, Sony Experia try to beat them with their new Sony Xperia X10 with full 4-inch display and running under Android 1.6. The most interesting part is that The Xperia is running under snapdragon 1.0GHz processor, which is the fastest in the market so far ( so what!!!!! I already overclocked my N900 to 900 MHZ and running smmothly with multiple hardcore linux application, much more chilled)…However due to touch screen only capability, it still being considered as a smartphone.

Even if the device run even with 2.24 GHz processor but with slumpy OS , it is still a junk. Andorid is a beautiful OS but still a little part of Linux and not as a whole. Thats why I still refer to Maemo or even Meego (advanced with Qt UI).